How to Leverage Second-Degree LinkedIn Connections for Meetings

Sales Rep Hacks

Posted by Artra on May 3rd, 2023


As a sales rep, LinkedIn can be a powerful tool for expanding your network and booking new meetings. Second-degree connections, those who are connected to your existing connections, offer a valuable opportunity to leverage mutual connections and establish new relationships. In this article, we will explore effective strategies for utilizing second-degree LinkedIn connections to book meetings and drive sales growth.

1. Identify Relevant Second-Degree Connections

Start by identifying second-degree connections who are relevant to your target audience and industry. Look for individuals who share common professional interests, work in related companies, or have connections to your ideal prospects. Focus on quality over quantity, as building meaningful relationships is key to successful meetings.

2. Leverage Mutual Connections

When reaching out to second-degree connections, it's crucial to leverage your mutual connections to establish credibility and trust. Before reaching out, review their profile to identify shared connections. Pay attention to individuals who can vouch for your expertise, professionalism, or prior successful collaborations. These mutual connections can provide valuable introductions or serve as references when reaching out.

3. Craft a Personalized Connection Request

When sending connection requests to second-degree connections, it's important to craft personalized messages that demonstrate your genuine interest in connecting and provide context regarding the shared connection. Here's a template you can use as a starting point:

Hello [Second-Degree Connection's Name],

I noticed that we have a number of mutual connections, including [Shared Connection's Name]. I've had the pleasure of working with [Shared Connection's Name] and greatly respect their insights and expertise. Based on their recommendation, I thought it would be valuable to connect with you.

I'm a [Your Role] at [Your Company], specializing in [Your Area of Expertise]. I'm passionate about helping [Target Audience/Industry] achieve [Specific Goal or Benefit]. It would be great to connect and explore potential synergies or discuss how we might be able to support each other.

Looking forward to connecting and potentially exploring opportunities to collaborate.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

4. Follow Up with Personalized Meeting Requests

Once your connection request is accepted, it's time to follow up with personalized meeting requests. Avoid jumping directly into a sales pitch and instead focus on building rapport and understanding their specific needs. Customize your meeting request message by referencing your shared connection and the potential value you can offer. Here's a template you can use:

Hi [Second-Degree Connection's Name],

Thank you for connecting! I hope this message finds you well and that you're having a successful week so far. I wanted to reach out because our mutual connection, [Shared Connection's Name], spoke highly of both of us and suggested that we connect.

Based on my background in [Your Area of Expertise] and [Your Company's] focus on helping [Target Audience/Industry] achieve [Specific Goal or Benefit], I believe there could be potential synergies between our work. I would love to learn more about your current initiatives and challenges to see if there's an opportunity for us to collaborate or support each other.

Would you be available for a brief 15-minute call next week? I'm flexible and can accommodate your schedule. Please let me know a date and time that work best for you, and I'll send a calendar invitation right away.

Looking forward to connecting and exploring potential opportunities.

Best regards,

[Your Name]


Leveraging second-degree LinkedIn connections can be a highly effective strategy for booking new meetings as a sales rep. By identifying relevant connections, leveraging mutual connections, and sending personalized connection and meeting requests, you can establish meaningful relationships and drive sales growth. Remember to focus on building rapport, understanding their needs, and offering value before diving into a sales pitch. With these strategies in place, you'll increase your chances of booking successful meetings and ultimately closing deals.
