How to Enhance Email Deliverability and Dodge Spam Filters

Easy fixes that will get you more responses

Posted by Artra on May 1st, 2023

Understanding Email Delivery Issues for Sales Reps

As a sales representative, it can be disheartening when your carefully crafted sales emails fail to reach the intended recipients. Several factors can contribute to email delivery problems, and understanding these issues is crucial for improving your email success rate and avoiding the dreaded spam folder. Let's explore some common reasons why sales emails may not be delivered and what you can do to change that.

1. Reputation and Sender Authentication

One primary reason for email delivery issues is a poor sender reputation. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) employ various mechanisms to filter out spam and protect users. Ensure that your email domain and IP address have a good reputation by adhering to email best practices. Implement proper sender authentication methods, such as SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance).

2. Content and Engagement

The content of your sales emails plays a crucial role in determining their deliverability. Overusing certain phrases, excessive capitalization, or utilizing aggressive sales language may trigger spam filters. Craft personalized and engaging emails that provide value to your recipients. Avoid using too many links or attachments, as they can raise suspicion. Prioritize building genuine connections and engaging in meaningful conversations with your prospects to improve email deliverability.

3. Avoiding the Spam Folder

To prevent your sales emails from ending up in the spam folder, make sure you follow best practices. Use a reputable email service provider (ESP) that actively monitors and maintains its infrastructure to maintain high deliverability rates. Regularly check your emails for spam score using tools like SpamAssassin to identify potential issues before sending them out. Additionally, ask your recipients to add you to their address book or whitelist your email address to improve your chances of successful delivery.

4. Continual Monitoring and Adaptation

The world of email deliverability is constantly evolving. Stay updated on industry trends, best practices, and changes in spam filter algorithms. At Artra we have a free tool that allows our users to monitor their email reputation score which is compiled based off of 10,000+ data points gathered all across the web. Use the tool to improve your reputation score, and it's free for 14 days! Get access at- Regularly monitor your email metrics, such as open rates, click-through rates, and bounce rates, to identify patterns and adjust your email strategy accordingly. Experiment with different subject lines, send times, and email templates to optimize your outreach efforts and achieve better deliverability.

In conclusion, ensuring that your sales emails are delivered successfully requires a holistic approach. By focusing on building a reputable sender identity, creating engaging content, adhering to email best practices, and staying adaptive, you can increase the chances of your sales emails reaching the intended recipients' inboxes. Remember, email deliverability is an ongoing process, and continual monitoring and improvement are key to achieving long-term success in your sales outreach efforts.
