Optimal Times to Send Emails for Peak Open Rates

How small changes to the times you send emails can make a big difference

Posted by Artra on May 1st, 2023

Best Times of Day for Marketers and Sales Reps to Send Emails


As marketers and sales reps, the timing of our email communications plays a crucial role in maximizing engagement and response rates. Sending emails at the right time can significantly impact open rates, click-through rates, and ultimately, conversions. In this article, we'll explore the best days of the week and times of day to send emails, supported by statistical evidence.

1. The Best Days of the Week

According to various studies and industry research, Tuesday and Thursday consistently emerge as the best days of the week to send emails. On these days, people are more likely to be settled into their workweek routines and actively checking their inboxes. Tuesdays offer a fresh start to the week, while Thursdays allow recipients to take action before the weekend. Studies have shown that sending emails on these days can lead to higher open and click-through rates.

2. Optimal Times of Day

When it comes to the best times of day to send emails, there are a few windows that tend to perform exceptionally well. The first is early morning, between 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM. Many professionals start their day by going through their emails, making this a prime time for your message to be seen. Another optimal time is mid-afternoon, around 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM, when people have typically settled into their workday and are open to exploring new opportunities.

3. Consider Your Target Audience

While general statistics can provide helpful guidelines, it's essential to consider your specific target audience. Factors such as industry, time zones, and demographics can influence the optimal timing for your emails. Analyze your audience's behavior and preferences using email analytics tools to identify patterns. By understanding their habits, you can tailor your email delivery to align with their availability and increase the likelihood of engagement.

4. The Science Behind Timing

The reasons behind the success of certain days and times for email delivery can be attributed to human behavior and psychology. On weekdays, people are more focused on work-related tasks, making it easier for them to pay attention to professional emails. Additionally, avoiding Mondays and Fridays is advisable, as people tend to be catching up or winding down. As for specific times, aiming for the early morning and mid-afternoon slots capitalizes on individuals' peak productivity and attention levels.


Timing is a critical component of effective email marketing and sales outreach. Based on statistical data and research, Tuesday and Thursday have proven to be optimal days for sending emails. Furthermore, aiming for early morning and mid-afternoon time slots can enhance the chances of your emails being noticed and acted upon. However, it's crucial to adapt these guidelines to your specific target audience and industry. Regularly analyze your email metrics to refine your timing strategy and maximize engagement with your recipients. Remember, the right timing can make a significant difference in the success of your email campaigns.
