Creating Impactful Cold Email Intros that Convert

How to start meaningful conversations with customers that aren't awkward

Posted by Artra on May 1st, 2023

How to Start Off a Cold Email Conversation


Initiating a conversation through cold emails can be a challenging task for sales professionals. However, with a well-crafted introduction and a compelling value proposition, you can capture the attention of your prospects and increase the chances of securing a meeting or call. In this article, we'll explore effective strategies for starting off a cold email conversation, along with sample email intros that successfully introduce a product and initiate engagement.

1. Personalization and Relevance

When reaching out to potential customers, personalization is key. Start by researching your prospect's background, interests, and pain points. Mention something specific that demonstrates your understanding of their situation. For example, "I noticed you recently published an article about X," or "I saw that your company recently launched a new product." This personal touch shows that you've done your homework and helps to establish a connection right from the start.

Email Sample 1:

Hi [Prospect's Name],

I came across your insightful article on [topic] and was impressed by your expertise in the industry. As someone who shares a passion for [topic], I wanted to reach out and introduce myself.

At [Your Company], we've developed a new product that I believe could greatly benefit companies like yours. It tackles the challenge of [specific pain point] and helps streamline [relevant process]. I'd love to learn more about your experiences in this area and explore how our solution could potentially help.

Are you available for a quick call next week? I'd appreciate the opportunity to discuss further and share additional details about our product. Please let me know a time that works best for you.

Looking forward to connecting!

Best regards,

[Your Name]

2. Highlighting Benefits and Unique Value

To grab the recipient's attention, focus on the benefits your product or service offers. Clearly communicate the unique value it brings and how it can address their pain points or improve their business. Show them why they should be interested in hearing more. Keep the email concise, engaging, and centered around the recipient's needs, rather than simply listing features. The goal is to pique their curiosity and make them eager to learn more.

Email Sample 2:

Hello [Prospect's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to reach out because I've recently come across your company and have been impressed by your commitment to [specific goal or value].

At [Your Company], we've developed a unique solution that has helped businesses like yours achieve remarkable results. Our product is designed to [highlight key benefit or value] and has already been proven to [mention a relevant success story or statistic]. I believe it could have a transformative impact on your operations as well.

I'd love to schedule a quick 15-minute call to discuss how our solution aligns withyour business objectives and explore potential ways we can work together. I'm confident that our product can deliver the results you're looking for.

Are you available for a brief call next week? I'd love to provide more information and answer any questions you may have. Please let me know a time that works best for you, and I'll make sure to accommodate your schedule.

Thank you for considering [Your Company] as a potential partner. I'm excited to connect and explore how we can help [Prospect's Company] reach new heights. Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Best regards,

[Your Name]

3. Creating a Sense of Curiosity

Another effective approach to initiating a cold email conversation is to create a sense of curiosity or intrigue. Instead of revealing all the details about your product upfront, tease the recipient with a compelling idea, a unique approach, or a thought-provoking question. The goal is to spark their interest and make them curious to learn more, increasing the likelihood of a response.

Email Sample 3:

Hi [Prospect's Name],

Imagine a world where [describe a desirable outcome or solution]. It may seem like a lofty goal, but at [Your Company], we believe it's within reach.

I'd love to chat with you about how we're revolutionizing [industry/area] and explore the possibilities for [Prospect's Company]. Our innovative approach has already garnered attention and delivered remarkable results for companies similar to yours.

Could we schedule a call to discuss this further? I think you'll find our ideas refreshing and potentially game-changing. Let me know a time that works for you, and I'll be sure to set aside dedicated time to speak with you.

Looking forward to unraveling the potential together!

Warm regards,

[Your Name]


Starting off a cold email conversation with impact requires personalization, a compelling value proposition, and a clever approach to grab the recipient's attention. If you're still in doubt about what to say try out our messaging automation platform that will allow you to harness AI to create high converting messaging. Mention to our sales reps that you read the article and they will offer you our 30-day guarantee to increase your meeting rate or you pay nothing. By tailoring your email intros to the recipient, highlighting benefits and unique value, and creating curiosity, you can increase your chances of initiating a productive conversation. Use the provided email samples as inspiration and adapt them to suit your specific situation and target audience. Remember, the key is to establish a connection, demonstrate value, and prompt a positive response from your prospects.
